
LANAP Gum Surgery Near Me: Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure Gum Surgery

LANAP uses laser technology to remove infected tissue and promote new bone, cementum, and periodontal ligament growth – while also less painful than traditional gum surgery procedures.

LANAP gum surgery near me	After receiving LANAP gum surgery near me, patients typically report reduced pain, swelling and recovery time. Read on to gain further insight into its many advantages.

It’s less invasive.

LANAP gum surgery near me treatment for gum disease is much less invasive than traditional surgery procedures. Your dentist uses a laser to vaporise pathogenic bacteria responsible for gum disease. Tartar removal may also help remove potential infection sources while reconnecting gum tissue to its roots.

Reattachment therapy is highly effective at stopping gum disease from progressing further. Left untreated, gum disease can lead to serious health problems like heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis; loose teeth and bone loss may occur as a result. Therefore, treatment should be sought immediately upon noticing any symptoms like bleeding when brushing, bad breath and any changes in gum colour changes.

Traditional surgery often results in discomfort and requires multiple weeks for recovery, but LANAP gum surgery offers much quicker and simpler recovery options than its counterpart.

It’s less painful.

Laser-assisted new attachment procedure (LANAP) gum surgery offers an alternative to traditional procedures by eliminating scalpels and stitches – meaning you’re likely to experience less pain during and after treatment than traditional techniques.

A special laser uses wavelengths that can differentiate between diseased and healthy tissue and destroy only bacteria and unhealthy areas without harming or cutting any healthy gums.

Following your LANAP treatment, minor soreness of gum tissues should subside within several days with over-the-counter pain medications. You must also follow a soft diet for ten days afterwards to promote healing and maximise results.

Recovery times from modern dental surgeries tend to be shorter, taking only days or even hours instead of two weeks for traditional methods. With shorter recovery periods comes a faster return to daily activities and fewer complications arising from this method.

It’s faster

LANAP allows dentists to perform minimally invasive gum surgeries with minimal recovery times – you could return to normal activities within days! LANAP stands for Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure. It allows dentists to quickly and painlessly extract infected gum tissue, kill bacteria, and reconnect your gums to the roots of your teeth for faster healing with reduced discomfort than traditional surgery procedures. This technology also requires minimal downtime, so it can quickly get you back to your usual activities!

Traditional treatments for gum disease can take weeks to recover from, while LANAP patients typically experience less discomfort and faster recoveries thanks to not cutting down the original gum line and without needing skin grafts.

LANAP may be ideal if you have mild to moderate gum disease or an infected dental implant and need non-invasive gum surgery. Our experienced dental team is happy to arrange a consultation so we can evaluate if LANAP surgery would benefit your oral and overall health. Getting gum disease under control will lead to improved oral and overall wellness!

It’s less expensive.

LANAP gum surgery near me may be more cost-effective and time-efficient than traditional gum surgery, depending on the severity of your gum disease, with two sessions lasting two hours each, during which a dentist works on half your mouth at each visit.

Following a LANAP procedure, strict dietary restrictions may need to be observed for up to ten days after treatment; however, this is well worth considering all its immediate and long-term advantages. LANAP stimulates bone and tissue regeneration, so your gums should be healthier afterwards than they were beforehand.

The LANAP procedure is a non-surgical alternative to traditional gum disease treatment. It’s a laser-based approach that uses the body’s natural healing processes to improve gum pockets and promote bone regeneration and tissue reattachment. This therapy offers many short-term advantages over traditional surgery, including reduced pain and discomfort. Patients also enjoy less swelling and quicker healing after LANAP treatment.